Lysa & Co inaugurated its new production unit located in Keur Ndiaye Lo in the town of Rufisque, in the presence of the Minister of Commerce and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Ms. Aminata Assome Diatta on November 26, 2019. “This production unit that we come from to inaugurate is part of a partnership process with Teranga capital which owns 39% of the shares of Lysa & Co and which has enabled us, thanks to support of more than 117 million FCFA for two years now, to realize this old dream », Declared Mrs. Sylvie SAGBO president of Lysa & Co.
Indeed, the success of the peanuts and cashews proposed in the shelves of the Senegalese market and sub-regional are in a phase of development. Hence the need for this requirement for quality and semi-modernity of which Sylvie SAGBO spoke. "We are now working for the semi-automation of the production unit. I have just returned from a trip to China where we are going to find some machines which will help us in the packaging part with ASEPEX and ADPME and other State structures which will help us to move towards this semi-automation ” declared Mrs. Sylvie SAGBO. Come to proceed to the official inauguration ceremony of the production unit of Keur Ndiaye Lo, the Minister Assome Diome Diatta magnified this performance of Lysa & Co which led to the realization of this new unit.
In the same vein, she reiterated the government's commitment to support SMEs to make them future champions. "The department of commerce remains committed and all the support system that exists will be implemented alongside all the companies that will intervene. But there is also the export promotion agency as well as the ADPME remain at the entire disposal of Senegalese SMEs which invest and want to move towards performance ", Ms. Assome Diatta supported. For the Director of Teranga capital, partner principal in this project, Lysa & Co is the perfect illustration of the potential of Senegalese SMEs if they are managed with rigor and talent and when they are in the innovation.
The inauguration of the new production unit of Lysa & Co is the opportunity to salute the success of this SME active in the Senegalese food industry that Teranga capital has been supporting for two years and to underline its transformation in a balance between tradition and modernity.
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